Introduction Historically, both on this blog and on BlindConfidential, I have very rarely engaged with commenters. I write articles, I post them, people read them or not and some choose to comment. While I was reading Marco Zehe’s excellent Android review series , I observed him engage with his commenters both in the comments on… Read more about Do We Get What We Pay For?
Civil Rights
The Model T Syndrome Revisited
A few years ago, when I still wrote my now defunct blog, Blind Confidential, I posted an article called, “The Model T Syndrome” in which I blasted Android accessibility for being sorely substandard. Recently, my old buddy and fellow Freedom Scientific refugee, Marco Zehe wrote an excellent piece called “Switching to Android Full Time,” in… Read more about The Model T Syndrome Revisited
Proposed Outcomes For NFB Versus H&R Block
In April, the National Federation of the Blind filed a lawsuit against H & R Block, the AMerican tax preparation giant over their failure to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. NFB asserts that Block, by having a CAPTCHA with no audio alternative prohibits blind people from using their web site, hence, is out… Read more about Proposed Outcomes For NFB Versus H&R Block
Blind Libertarians: Oxymorons or Just Morons
After posting the article about the poor experience I had with USAirways on my trip home from Las Vegas, most of my readers responded very positively. Unfortunately, about 4 people, all blind themselves and mostly supporters of NFB, seem to believe that, because of entirely irrational libertarian politics regarding disability, that an American with a… Read more about Blind Libertarians: Oxymorons or Just Morons