Except where otherwise noted, Chris Hofstader owns the copyright to all information on, and all of their sub-sites. Chris Hofstader reserves all of the rights associated with copyright in the United States and elsewhere as enforced by treaty.
All textual (not source code) information on this site is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0, the same license used by Wikipedia and many other web sites with a social consciousness. The authors on this site only want to ensure that they receive credit for their work if you use it in any other publication in the future.
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If you have a problem with either of these licenses and want to use information published on this site in a way incompatible with them, please write to Chris using the contact form, on this site to possibly negotiate a special license that can meet your needs. As these license are pretty commonly used by some major sites, we don’t foresee any problems but we do want to be reasonably flexible without giving up the information freedoms we prefer.